Thursday, February 11, 2016

super bowl

1.    What ad did you find most entertaining, and why? (You should be specific and give details here – what was the product and what about the ad made it so entertaining to you?)
  1. The ad I found most entertaining was the Hyundai “First Date” advertisement. The product was the car and it starred the famous actor Kevin Hart. The ad showed Hart as the over-protective father keeping an eye on his daughter as she went on a date using his car. It advertised the use of GPS in the Hyundai and how you can keep track of where the car is. It was really entertaining to me because he is a funny actor with funny facial expressions. He portrayed the “dad” role perfectly and it was really funny.

2.    What commercial did you find the most dull/boring, and why?
  1. The ad I thought was most boring was the Dorito Dog ad. The product was Dorito chips and it was about dogs trying to get into a store to eat Doritos. They eventually succeeded after many failed attempts by dressing up as a human. Ha HA. Not funny and it was really obvious where they were going with it. The Dorito ads this year were not that good. (Are they ever)

3.    What about your favorite ad made it most effective?
  1. My favorite ad was the Budweiser “Simply Put” advertisement. It starred the famous British actress Helen Mirren talking in an ironic but sad tone. She talked about how she was a “frank and insensitive British lady” but she went on to say driving drunk was the worst thing and listed the things that you are if you drive drunk. And that people would thank you for not driving drunk. This ad was the most effective because instead of having a lot of gimmicks and CGI effects, they just had a famous actress talking so people will stop and listen. Also I really liked the message

4.    What about your least favorite ad made it ineffective?
  1. My least favorite ad was the Dorito Dog ad and I thought it was ineffective because it was really not funny. It didn't really have dialogue which was different and made people stop to watch but other than that it was cliche with no real message.
5.     Did either of your commercials (favorite or least favorite) feature any famous people?  Do you think that helped?  Why or why not?
  1. My favorite ad did feature a famous person and I think it helped because people could recognize her and realize “Oh maybe this ad is interesting”. My least favorite ad did not have any famous people just dogs. Although I didn’t like it, I’m sure others did because they thought it was funny.

6.     What design elements or principles (lines, shapes, texture, color/color scheme, space, balance, contrast, etc.) were used in each commercial?  Provide at least two (2) and explain.  What affect did they have on the successfulness of the ads?One of the ads shown was a Colgate “Every Drop Counts” in which they share information about how leaving the water running as your brush wastes 4 gallons, which is more than many people around the world have in a week. The ad used some design elements and principles such as color scheme, mass, and contrast. Color scheme was used with the bathroom scene, it was a bathroom with a simple blue and gray color scheme, light blue towel, blue pajama pants, blue curtain, gray tiles, gray shirt, etc. The contrast also plays into this part because the contrast is shown when other people from developing countries take the running water. They are the only color aside from the blue-gray color scheme and it really has an impact. Mass was used when the text showed up, it wasn’t large text that took up the whole screen, rather it showed the background. It was a really powerful ad.Another ad was Coca-Cola's "Brotherly Love" ad in which it showed that even though your older brother might bother you and tease you, he still loves you. In his own brotherly way. This ad used color scheme and optical center. The color scheme throughout the ad was warm colors, reds and oranges. It really felt homey. Optical center was used when it showed the product, Coca-Cola bottles, it was placed right in the middle of the screen so you couldn't miss it. It was a really effective message to sell their product.

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